New Battery systems > Other new battery systems
--- Quote from: Drannom on September 28, 2008, 11:21:10 PM
---yes you are right, Tesla was not erased, i read somewhere that
Marcony is claiming to be the inventor of radio waves communication in
some old hhistory book, in fact it was Tesla !, then many brevet
patented from Tesla were used and no one mention that is coming from
Tesla, Tesla's invention has been used illegaly, this is what i think
and i may be wrong, i read that somewhere
--- End quote ---
Thanks for being man enough to admit it. :)
Howdy Jeanna,
If you think an HHO welder is the way to go you'll need this.
Stanley Meyers Resonant Electrolysis Cell information.
Blessed Be...
Any answers to these questions yet?
1. Who is "Arthur P.
Summera"? Nobody has identified how this document was published online
decades after it was written in 1980.
2. The Springfield, Oregon address on the front cover doesn't exist.
Arthur must have had a time machine if he wrote that in 1980. The PDF
properties say it was created in 2001 using Quark Xpress on a Macintosh,
but it is clearly not a scan of an older document given the modern
layout and embedded text.
4. The doc mentions the 'The
Universarium Foundation of Portland' a 60's cult of crackpot channelers
and the World University in Arizona (see What's the
5. Bonus question. The Universarium Foundation (aka
The Universariun Foundation) magazine 'The Voice of Universarius' is
still lying around in some libraries and I've seen them on Alibris. Some
of those folks like Zelrun Karsleigh are probably still alive and could
tell you who Summera is (or isn't).
From via Google
Universariun Foundation was formed in 1958 and for many years
headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Among the small group, Zelrun
Karsleigh and his wife, Daisy Karsleigh, then still in her teens, began
to receive telepathic material. Meetings were held regularly in their
home, and the work grew steadily. For several decades, the Karsleighs
remained the primary channels of messages from the spirit world, though
eventually others have developed within the group.
Messages have
been received from both the ascended masters and the masters from outer
space. The principle communicators have been Sri Soudah, Koot Hoomi, and
Lord Michael. The material follows the perspective of the "I AM"
Religious Activity and is aimed at the illumination and emancipation of
earth from its fear, chaos, and confusion.
The Universariun
Foundation is governed by a board of seven directors elected by the
membership at an annual meeting. The board oversees publication of the
monthly periodical. A sanctuary for weekly meditation and telepathic
channeling and a bookstore are maintained in Tucson. The recommended
reading list of books, sold on a mail-order basis, includes a wide
variety of metaphysical works.
--- Quote from: wizardofmars on October 10, 2008, 01:38:54 AM ---Any answers to these questions yet?
Who is "Arthur P. Summera"? Nobody has identified how this document was
published online decades after it was written in 1980.
2. The Springfield, Oregon address on the front cover doesn't exist.
Arthur must have had a time machine if he wrote that in 1980. The PDF
properties say it was created in 2001 using Quark Xpress on a Macintosh,
but it is clearly not a scan of an older document given the modern
layout and embedded text.
4. The doc mentions the 'The
Universarium Foundation of Portland' a 60's cult of crackpot channelers
and the World University in Arizona (see What's the
5. Bonus question. The Universarium Foundation (aka
The Universariun Foundation) magazine 'The Voice of Universarius' is
still lying around in some libraries and I've seen them on Alibris. Some
of those folks like Zelrun Karsleigh are probably still alive and could
tell you who Summera is (or isn't).
From via Google
Universariun Foundation was formed in 1958 and for many years
headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Among the small group, Zelrun
Karsleigh and his wife, Daisy Karsleigh, then still in her teens, began
to receive telepathic material. Meetings were held regularly in their
home, and the work grew steadily. For several decades, the Karsleighs
remained the primary channels of messages from the spirit world, though
eventually others have developed within the group.
Messages have
been received from both the ascended masters and the masters from outer
space. The principle communicators have been Sri Soudah, Koot Hoomi, and
Lord Michael. The material follows the perspective of the "I AM"
Religious Activity and is aimed at the illumination and emancipation of
earth from its fear, chaos, and confusion.
The Universariun
Foundation is governed by a board of seven directors elected by the
membership at an annual meeting. The board oversees publication of the
monthly periodical. A sanctuary for weekly meditation and telepathic
channeling and a bookstore are maintained in Tucson. The recommended
reading list of books, sold on a mail-order basis, includes a wide
variety of metaphysical works.
--- End quote ---
Nope answers to those questions yet .
As far as I can see there is no interest in those questions yet either .
Have a nice day !!!!!!
--- Quote from: z.monkey on October 09, 2008, 11:20:24 PM ---Howdy Jeanna,
The fire comes from within you, your spirit, the fire that is you...
Blessed Be...
--- End quote ---
Yes, of course.
In fact, this is where the teacher went in that lecture.
However, He did actually teach that this fire came from the base metal itself in the case of the alchemist's process.
terms of physics and chemistry, I take that to mean that the spin of
the electrons (Hydrogen atoms in the base metal, perhaps) would
increase, bringing internal heat to the substance of attention.
once again to Brown's gas,it could also be that the H2 coming from the
flame gets added to the metal and compresses into the bands making heat
Yull Brown attests that although the flame of HHO is not
at all hot, it produces remarkable heat in the metals it touches. And
that heat is variable and specific to the metal. You can even weld 2
dissimilar metals together. And of course, it isn't just metals, as I
mentioned before, it is rocks and glass too. In my searches I found a
Japanese company uses only HHO for welding, because it needs such
precision. I think it is making glass parts that can't be blown. I
should find it again, because it is a testament to the excellence of the
HHO welder.
I am trying to figure how to move things around my shed to safely use a HHO welder.